Products >Our Sensors >Pyrometers > Pyrometer SD with separate electronics
Stationary pyrometers of the OKSD series measure the temperature of object contactless and give an analog output signal. For the measurement on different materials several variants are available for temperature ranges between -40 and +2500 °C. The OKSD series has been designed for control and monitoring tasks in different industrial sectors.
Application areas
Temperature monitoring in presses
Process control in the paper or plastics industry
Temperature monitoring in the food industry
Heating and air-conditioning
Electrical equipment, electronics
Road construction
Chemical industry
Furnace construction
Research and Development
Steelworks and rolling mills
Soldering, sintering and hardening
The key feature in selecting a pyrometer is its spectral range, as this must be related to the proper-ties of the specific material and to the application. A pyrometer with wavelength as short as possible is recommended, if you want to achieve high accuracy.
Various optical systems ensure best adaptation to the object size. To avoid reading errors, it is necessary to choose a measurement spot that can always be completely filled by the object. The table shows for the different types the spot dimension in relation to the object distance.
The OKSD series features a separate sensor head which can be used at ambient temperature of up to 125 °C or 180 °C. Installation in limited spaces is possible thanks to its compact stainless steel M12 housing. All models are provided with an analog output 0/4-20 mA, two relay outputs, two inputs and a RS 485 interface. The electronics box has a display to show temperature values and adjust parameters.
Features overview
Temperature measurement between -40 and +2500°C
Accuracy up to 1%
Response time from 10 ms
Different optics
Sensor head in M12 stainless steel housing
Ambient temperature up to +70
Integrated OLED display
Memory for minimum and maximum value
0/4 - 20 mA output
RS 485 interface
Adjustment of temperature range, emissivity and measuring rate possible via software
Windows software for parameterization, display, storage and evaluation of the measurement values
Extensive range of accessories
The electronics box has a display to show temperature values and adjust parameters. can be displayed Through the multilingual windows software – associated with the interface cable - it is possible to adjust the measurement range and emissivity, as well as to display the temperature values in °C / °F, evaluate and record them. Also max and min. storage value and the measuring rate can be set. Versions in different cable lengths are available. A comprehensive range of accessories allows the adaptation to different operating conditions.
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