Our Sensors > Pyrometers
Proxitron pyrometers are available in a number of variants and can be adapted to suit the requirements of different applications:
Pyrometers from Proxitron are used for the monitoring of processes and quality control wherever ambient conditions place special demands on non-contact temperature measurement. High-performance Proxitron pyrometers are provided with innovative software which allows easy remote control, simple parameterization and rapid integration of the measuring device into existing processes.
Different optical systems and a wide range of accessories provide measurement over large distances and make every Proxitron pyrometer a specialist in long-lasting and maintenance-free devices.
Temperature plays a key role in many innovative production processes and determines the quality and consequently the success of a product. Monitoring, controlling and recording temperature during the different production steps is a central element in quality management and ultimately contributes to a large extent to efficient energy consumption and environmental protection.
Infrared temperature measurement is used in many industries. Thanks to their extremely robust design, special pyrometers from Proxitron have always been used in the metal and heavy industry. They can monitor casting processes, forging processes and almost every process involved in steel manufacturing, up to the ultimate rolling and forming stages of wire, tubes and sheets.
Pyrometers im the production of laminated timber
Pyrometers in the production of concrete
Pyrometers in the asphalt mixing process
Looking for a reliable pyrometer for your application?
Please fill in our questionnaire for pyrometers and send it back to sales(at)proxitron.de. Our experts will assist you.